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Tsutomu Takeshita 2025

Gallery show
03.01(sat) - 03.03(mon)  13:00-19:00
Online view
03.05(mon)  20:00 - 
作家在廊日 Artist at the gallery 03.01





お客さんとの話を通して、数を揃えたい方以外へ向けた、綺麗に形が揃っていないものも良いのではと思い始めた。作り手の技術の出し方として綺麗に揃えるのも大事だけど、一点一点の個を出したい。それが茶杯になると、形が不揃いだと味わいも変わってしまうけど、自分専用の杯などの楽しみ方もあるのではと。 最近土もの(焼き締め)をまた始めて、磁器でしばらくやったからか、触る時の意識や感覚が全く違うことに気付いた。昔はこれに気付かなかった。歪みが楽しく、多分これも、不揃いでも良いという気持ちにつながっているかも。 今回片口にそれが反映されていて、茶杯も作ったけどどうも酒器みたいになった。 



四角と八角のバリエーションについて 前回展示時に、ギャラリストから四角の茶壷ができるか聞かれた。四角が難しすぎ八角は逃げのつもりで作ったが、可愛くて採用した。 


意図はなし。前回は背が高い方が格好良いなと思っていたが、多分今はあのくらいのフォルムが好き。 最近近所の薪窯を使用する時に作家が集まり今回のこだわりをみんなよく話すが、自分も少しだけアップデートの意味で好みが反映されたかもしれない。 











① What is the theme this time?

Basically, none of my exhibitions have a specific theme. I just keep creating steadily.

② What are the differences from last time?

Through conversations with customers, I started thinking that it might be good to include pieces that are not perfectly uniform in shape, rather than just focusing on those who want matching sets. While achieving uniformity is important in showcasing craftsmanship, I also want to emphasize the individuality of each piece.

When it comes to teacups, irregular shapes can even change the way flavors are experienced. However, I also feel that having a personal cup, unique to oneself, could be an enjoyable aspect.

Recently, I started working with clay again (unglazed pottery), and after spending a long time making porcelain, I realized that the way I perceive and feel the material while shaping it is completely different. I never noticed this in the past. The irregularities in form are enjoyable, and perhaps this connects to my growing acceptance of unevenness.

This time, that idea is reflected in my pitcher. I also made teacups, but they somehow ended up looking more like sake cups.

③ Tell us about your new square-shaped teapots.

Regarding the variations in square and octagonal designs—
During the last exhibition, the owner asked me if I could make a square teapot. Since squares are extremely difficult, I initially made an octagonal one as a compromise, but it turned out to be quite charming, so I decided to keep it.

④ All your pitchers this time are relatively low in height.

There was no particular intention behind this. Last time, I thought taller ones looked cooler, but perhaps now I just prefer this kind of form.

Recently, when using a nearby wood-fired kiln, many artists gather and discuss their particular design choices. Maybe my preferences have slightly evolved as part of that ongoing exchange.

⑤ Were there any challenges in making the handle-hung teapots?

This was also a request from the owner last year. The handle moves easily, which makes it quite challenging to make.

⑥ There are many large cups this time.

I made them simply because I wanted them myself. There are times when I just want to drink tea in large gulps. While I do enjoy the changing flavors when drinking from a small teacup, sometimes I prefer the bigger ones.

⑦ What was the most technically difficult piece to make?

The square teapots. No matter how many times I tried, I struggled to create something that felt just right. The square shape is structurally weak against various forces, and I had a hard time dealing with unexpected shrinkage during the drying process after wheel-throwing, as well as distortions that emerged after firing.


① 这次的主题是?


② 与去年的展示有什么不同?





③ 请介绍一下这次新作的方形茶壶。

④ 这次的片口器皿整体高度较低,是有什么特别的原因吗?



⑤ 在制作提梁茶壶时有遇到什么挑战吗?


⑥ 这次也有许多大容量的茶杯


⑦ 技法上最困难的作品是哪件呢?


1986年 長野県に生まれる
2007年 岐阜県立多治見工業高校専攻科卒業 同年多治見市玉山窯に就職
2015年 独立

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