宮田康矢 鐵瓶 『唐草椿』PKM2401
宮田 康矢
2021年9月 法政大学生命科学部卒
2022年2月 タヤマスタジオ株式会社に入社
2023年2月 処女作『海嘯』制作
2024年1月 2作目『唐草椿』制作
Koya Miyata
Koya Miyata was born in 1997 and spent his childhood in Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture. He experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake when he was in the first year of junior high school.
・September 2021: Graduated from the Faculty of Life Sciences, Hosei University.
・February 2022: Joined Tayama Studio Co., Ltd.
・February 2023: Produced his debut work, "Tsunami".
・January 2024: Produced his second work, "Karakusa tsubaki".
In this piece, the artist has incorporated motifs representing various regions of Tohoku, particularly those that were severely affected by the earthquake the artist experienced.
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唐草椿文羽根付鐵瓶 Iron kettle with arabesque camellia and feathers
作家・Artist: 宮田康矢 Koya Miyata
サイズ・Size: H14.5cm (鉉部分含24.5cm) W19cm φ7.5cm
容量・Volume: 1000ml
Points to note when using:
- Please boil it 2-3 times until the water becomes clear when you first start using it.
- Do not boil it over high heat.
- After use, please completely evaporate the moisture with residual heat.
- Do not heat empty.